About LSLA:
LSLA is a fist-of-its-kind, multi-sport leadership academy that guarantees Lawrence youth have access to a quality sports camp in their own backyard. It tackles summer disengagement and low sports participation with quality coaches, high-level fitness experiences, like yoga and speed & agility and motivational speakers. In summer 2019 it offered 8 sports: Tennis, soccer, basketball, volleyball, basketball, baseball, track & football. Covid-19 interrupted some of that progress, but LSLA came back for a 3-day mini-academy in summer 2021.
LSLA was the result of a collaborative effort founded by Beyond Soccer, Everyone’s A Player and Lawrence High School Athletic Department in 2016 to improve the City’s exceptionally low sports participation rates. This event was ultimately the genesis of continued collaborative sharing and problem solving that led to the creation of the Lawrence Sports Alliance.
SAVE THE DATE FOR 2022! The program starts Monday, August 9th @ Lawrence High School
Key highlights since LSLA’s 2016 launch!

Some LSLA highlights:
- More than 750 Lawrence middle and high school youth have benefited since 2016;
- Post camp surveys revealed that LSLA exceeded expectations, i.e. the average score was an 18.9 out of 20;
- Surveys also revealed that 74% of participants would not have anything to do if LSLA was not offered. It’s clear we’re meeting community needs related to youth disengagement, inactivity and lack of quality & affordable summer sports camps;
- More than 50 guest speakers, fitness professionals and professional and college sports teams have contributed since our start. See a small sampling below who are responsible for making this one-of-a-kind experience possible!
- The New Balance Foundation provided awesome, reversible camp pinnies that enhance participants’ competitive spirit. New Balance also donates water bottles, which are much needed during those hot, August camp weeks;
- We estimate that LSLA, on average, would cost campers $300/week. That means we provided a $50,000+ camp experience to Lawrence youth for no cost or as little as $20/week. It’s only possible because of our generous and committed partner network (see partner list)